Diastasis Recti, literally translates as separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, also known as the six-pack muscles. It commonly happens during pregnancy, but it can occur in other circumstances too, and it’s not just something which happens to women.
It’s so important that as a mum, you are as strong and as functional as you can be. I’ve teamed up with Noëllie, a French women’s health physio who runs My Wellness Centre in Clerkenwell, to put on an online version of the Diastasis Recti event we held earlier this year. We had such good feedback and we’ve realised there’s a real need for mums to understand this condition that it was a no-brainer to host this online. We’ve taken all the critical information and put it into a practical, informative workshop for all mums who have been diagnosed with diastasis, or are wondering if they have it.
During this Zoom session, you’ll leave understanding:
- What a diastasis is
- How to self-assess a diastasis – what really matters
- How your posture and lifestyle can affect this
- Simple exercises to strengthen the area
- FAQs
Can’t make the session? No worries! Each attendee will be sent a link after, with a recording of the event. If you know you can’t attend and have any questions you’d like to ask, let me know before and I’ll make sure we answer it!
Can’t wait to see you there!
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