On 13th June, Mummy MOT, Biamother and Pelviva are joining forces to launch the first of their Digital Wellness Festivals. Just when we need connections more than ever before, they're going to be supporting mums with a range of interviews, workouts, practical sessions and more. It's a whole day …
Online Workshop: All About Diastasis Recti, 2nd June
Diastasis Recti, literally translates as separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, also known as the six-pack muscles. It commonly happens during pregnancy, but it can occur in other circumstances too, and it's not just something which happens to women. It's so important that as a mum, …
Mum Strong
Being a parent requires strength and endurance and this class helps you prepare to stay fit enough to meet all these demands. This is for parents who want to feel strong again! Who want to know that they can run faster than their toddler, who can carry them up and down stairs - even if they're …